My name is Brenden Williamson. I am a student at E.C.P.I. Technical college in Richmond, V.A. I was Born on December 31,1979 in Flaggstaff, A.Z. I live there for about 3 months then I moved with My parents to California. We lived there for about 10 years. At that time we moved to New Jersey to live with my Dad's Parents. We lived there for about 6 months. Then we moved to Virginia. I have lived here ever since. I will Graduate for E.C.P.I. on June 21,2000 with my A.A.S. in Network Administration. My Web Site has to do with Star Wars. I hope that you like it. If you have any Question or Problems with this site please e-mail me at And i will reply back with an answer.



The Jedi Knights

On this Page you will Learn About The Jedi and The Sith

First, We will look at the Jedi

The Jedi Code

There is no Emotion, there is Peace. There is no Ignorance, there is Knowledge. There is no Passion, there is Serenity. There is no Death, there is the Force.



Yoda is one of the oldest and arguably most powerful Jedi in the Star Wars universe, with one of the highest midi-chlorian counts. He was a senior member of the Jedi council, and very powerful in the Force. He trained many Jedi in his 900 years including Luke Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi. He was a member of an unknown species where he and Yaddle are the only characters of that species that we see. When Qui-Gon Jinn brought Anakin to the Council to request training for him, Yoda was one of the strongest opposition. After Qui-Gon's death, he reluctanlty aloowed Obi-Wan Kenobi to train young Anakin. He later had to go into hiding on Dagobah when the Emperor and later Darth Vader started to "clense" the galaxy of the Jedi. He then revived the Jedi by training Luke on Dagobah, after Obi-Wan had told Luke to go to Dagobah in a vision after the Battle of Hoth. Yoda, even though he was small in appearence, was not in spirit. He taught Luke that "size matters not" and to "do or do not,there is no try". As Luke went through his training one day Yoda challenged Luke to see friends long gone and the future, Luke saw that his friends were in trouble and stopped his training prematurely to go resuce Han and Leia from Cloud City. Even though Yoda urged him not to, Luke still went to Bespin to fight Darth Vader and to help his friends. Luke learned the error of his impatience when Darth Vader chopped off his hand and revealed that he was his father, Anakin Skywalker. Luke later returned to Dagobah to complete his training, but it was too late. Yoda revealed that to complete his training he had to face Darth Vader (a.k.a Anakin Skywalker) and Emperor Palpatine. Yoda also told Luke that there was another Skywalker. Yoda then died and was the last of his species and last of the mighty Jedi Council to pass on into the Force. And that is what I know of Yoda, may his memory be with us always. "Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter!"

Master Ood Bnar

Master Ood Bnar was supposetly formed from a tree-like species on the planet Myrkr. He was a very ancient Jedi Master who late in his life became the gatekeeper to the Jedi Holocorn that belonged to Jedi Master Arca Jeth. When he was summoned by Jedi Master Thon, Bnar told him that Nomi Sunrighter would be a powerful jedi. He later, several thousand years later, on the palnet of Ossus, he reawakended to help save a woman with powers in the force named Jem. And he sacrificed himself to destroy Imperial military Executor Sedriss. Many ancient and powerfull lightsabers were found inside Ood Bnar's tree.

Master Arca Jeth

Jedi Master Arca Jeth was an expert lightsaber dueler and teacher. He taught many Jedi, including Ulic and Cay Qel-Droma, at his training compound on Arkania, four millenia before the Battle of Yavin. He had as many as twenty students at a time under his tutalige. He was named as the watchman in charge of the Onderon system, so he sent his apprentices to planet Onderon and made Ulic Qel-droma his "chargeman". Jeth was later killed fighting droids that were comanded by the evil Krath sorcerers on planet Deneba during the great meeting of the Jedi. Arca Jeth's death caused much anger in Ulic Qel-Droma who was then determined to avenge his master's death.

Master Bodo Baas

Master Bodo Baas lived in the Adega system and had a crustacean/insect-like appearence and was a gatekeeper of a Jedi holocron. The Baas Holocron, that had been activated 4 millenia before by Master Vodo-Siosk, was stolen by the Emperor when Bodo Bass was murdered. The Holocron re-appeared later in the hands of the Emporer's clone but stolen by Leia Organa Solo. She learned of old Jedi long gone and she learned of the seductive path of the dark side. Bodo Baas' hologram taught Leia about the ancient Krath and the fall of Ulic Qel-Droma. Upon viewing what the holocron had she saw that Luke's future was clouded, along with her own. This prompted her to go and help vanquish the cloned Emperor and she helped Luke defeat and destroy the Emperor along with his Super Star Destroyer, the Eclipse.

Master Vodo-Siosk Baas

Master Vodo-Siosk was a powerful Jedi and a excellent lightsaber craftsman. He lived a long time ago, some 4,000 years before the Battle of Yavin. He trained many Jedi such as the supremely powerful Exar Kun. Kun was ambitious and impacient and despite Master Vodo's urges and warnings, he used his master's holocron to research many dark secrets. When Master Vodo confronted Kun, he challenged him to a duel of lightsaber versus walking stick. Baas had the upper hand, untill Kun grbbed a second lightsbaer and sliced his master's stick in two. Only then did Vodo-Sisok Bass relize the darkness that had enveloped his student. Kun turned to the Dark Side and later came back and slew Master Vodo. He then became one with the Force and became gatekeeper of a Jedi holocron, the Bass Holocron to be exact. It was later taken by Leia Organa Solo, then passed on to Master Luke Skywalker as a teaching aid for the trainees on Yavin 4. But Kun's spirit had been trapped in the Massassi temples by the Jedi during the last battle of the Sith War. Kun destroyed the holocron, and tried to kill Master Skywalker, but he was destroyed by the combined power of the Jedi trainees, and the risen spirit of Master Vodo.

Master Thon

Master Thon was a green reptile-like Jedi Master with a beard. He lived some 4,000 years before the Galactic Civil War, his fearsome appearence and savage countenance was evened out by his wisdom and strength in the Force. Master Thon trained his students,including Nomi Sunrider and Oss Willum, on the planet Ambria. He was trusted with the Stenness system and as the Krath cult advancened its influence, Master Thon addressed an assembly of 10,000 Jedi and spoke magnificently. He talked of the path of enlightenment or otherwise known as the light side and of the dangers of the Krath philosophy.

Master Jorus C'Baoth

Master Jorus C'baoth was a human Jedi master. He served the Old Republic in many ways, on one mission he was sent to Alderaan, after a delagation was made to give the Organas the title of viceroy. He disappeared with five other Jedi that were searching outside the known galaxy, specifically the Unknown Regions, for life in a mission dubbed "The Outbound Flight Project". But in reality the ship was destroyed a little after the departure on the strict orders of then-Senator Palpatine by a young officer named Thrawn. Thrawn used a clone of Jorus C'Baoth, named Joruus C'Baoth to reek havic on the galaxy during his reign of terror. The clone however was improperly grown and developed mad clone sickness. His insanity led him to take over the Emperor's storehouse and Wayland, where he was killed by Mara Jade.

Master Nejaa Halcyon


Master Nejaa Halcyon was a Corellian Jedi Master and close friend of Rostek Horn, but was killed during the Clone Wars. He liasoned with CorSec. He was partnered with a member of the intelligent Caamasi race. After Nejaa's death Rostek married Nejaa's wife and assumed the role of father for Nejaa's son, Hal Horn. Hal's son, Corran, was also in CorSec before joining Rogue Squadron and training to become a Jedi Knight. Corran married Mirax Terrik and has one son, Valin.

The Jedi Council


Mace Windu: Senior Jedi Master in the Council, he is highly respected throughout the galaxy. He is human and sits to the right of Yoda on the council.

Plo Koon: Jedi Master and brave warrior. He is a member of the Kel Dor species from the planet Dorin. He protects his sensitive eyes and nostrils from the oxygen-rich atmosphere of Coruscant with a special breathing apparatus. Fought with Qui-Gon Jinn during the Hyperspace wars. Seated to the right of Mace Windu on the council.

Ki-Adi Mundi: The only Jedi on the Council who is not a master, he is a member of the Cerean species. He has a binary brain that gives him deep insight into the Force. His domed head contains his large brain, which helps to support his second heart. Seated to the left of Yoda on the council

Saesee Tiin: Jedi Master and daring pilot from the moon of Iktotch. She has heightened Force abilities due to her species' natural ability of telepathy. Is best able to concentrate while traveling at high speeds. He has tough skin that his species has evolved as a defense against the high winds of Iktotch. Seated to the left of Ki-Adi Mundi on the council

Yaddle: Jedi Master that is the same species as Yoda. She is highly respected for her wisdom, compassion and patience. Seated to the left of Seasee Tiin on the council.

Even Piell: Jedi Master and Lannik warrior. Bears a scar across his right eye as a trophy of his victory against a group of terrorists who made the mistake of underestimating his Jedi skills. His large ears are sensitive to a thin atmosphere. Seated to the left of Yaddle on the council.

Oppo Rancisis: Jedi Master from Thisspias with a brilliant military mind. He gave up a throne on his homeworld to join the Jedi Council on Coruscant. Seated to the left of Even Piell on the council

Adi Galia: Jedi Master and the young and beautifull daughter of Corellian diplomats serving on Coruscant. She is very intuitive an has many contacts in Coruscant's government. She has construted a second lightsaber to replace her first one, which was destroyed on a mission. She was a traditional Tholoth headress atop her head. Seated to the left of Oppo Rancisis on the council.

Yareal Poof: Quermian Jedi master with legendary skills in mind tricks. He often uses his skill with mind tricks to to settle conflicts by turning combatant's own fears against them. His robe hides his second set of arms and his chest, which contains his lower brain. Like the other members of his species, he has no nose. Quermians instead smell with olfactory organs in their hands. Seated to the left of Adi Galia on the council.

Eeth Koth: Zabrak Jedi Master from Nar Shaddaa. He is renowned for his mental discipline and ability to withstand physical punishment. The horns that his species bear identify the person's origin. Seated to the left of Yareal Poof on the council.

Depa Billaba: Jedi Master rescued at the age of six months from space pirates by Mace Windu, who later became her mentor. She adopted the traditional culture of Chalacta to honor her slain parents. Seated to the left of Eeth Koth on the council.

Good my young padawan you are learning well and now for some more knowledge for you to embrace, you will learn the art of the Lightsaber.


Lightsabers are an ancient but useful weapon used traditionally by the Jedi Knights of the Old Republic. The lightsaber design is millenia old, which was first used by the Sith. As the Jedi teachings and methods were derived from the ancient Sith thousands of years ago, Jedi have adopted the lightsaber as their own, and have turned it into a symbol for justice and freedom in the galaxy. A lightsaber blade is a meter-long column of pure energy approximately 2 centimeters in diameter.the blade is completely straight and the tip is slightly rounded. It produces no heat. The blade appears to be bright white, with a colored glare surrounding the white core. When activated, a lightsaber produces a high-energy hum from the discharge of it's power cell. While lightsabers consume huge amounts of energy, a power cell can last for an extremely long time without recharging, as lightsabers are very efficient in their operation until energy is used to cut through something. The blade is the most prominent part of the weapon but the hilt, approximately 24 to 30 centimeters in length, contains a high-energy power cell and one to three Adegan crystals, or synthetic variants. These crystals focus the energy produced by the power cell and shape it into a positively charged column. A single crystal can produce a fixed length blade, while a saber with multiple crystals can have its amplitude and length adjusted by repositioning the crystals, usually by twisting the handle or a control on it.(Darth Vader's lightsaber had a control knob to adjust blade length). Adegan crystals come in the colors red, blue, green, purple, yellow and orange. The Jedi lightsabers are usually blue and green in color, while Sith lightsabers are red. A lightsaber blade (technically speaking it doesn't have a blade but it rather is a column of energy that is controlled only by the force and the crystals) is capable of cutting through almost anything, but it may encounter resistance,and some materials will be harder to cut than others. The blade can deflect blaster bolts with ease, and will not pass through another lightsaber. Thus, when activated, lightsaber blades can seem to have the same qualities of a solid blade. One unique property of a lightsaber "blade" is the fact that it cuts through materials with almost impossibly small cuts. Microscopic cuts are almost always the case. Also, most organic materials are instantly sealed by a lightsaber blade, resulting in nearly bloodless cuts in most species.This majestic weapon will forever be a part of the galaxy and will provide, Jedi and Sith alike, a weapon that none other can touch.